The Month of March 2016 sees 4 new DMT candidates from 3 Countries, Netherlands, Germany and Malaysia.
I have done my Open Water Course with Scuba Junkie in 2011. After I did most of my Fun diving around Mabul and Kapali with Scuba Junkie. Since I am fascinated by the Underwater world, I made the decision to become a Diving Instructor, so I can show the beautiful world under the Surface to many more ppl! I hope to be able to change the behaviour of ppl so they take more care about our Oceans. To be a Diving Instructor is my biggest wish to give my Life another challenge and meaning. The Diving is still the most fascinating thing in my Life as I get to see something new every day!
Because of the programs I saw on TV of Jacques Cousteau I started diving in 1978 and from the start I loved it. Unfortunately I had to stop diving because I couldn’t afford to buy my own Equipment back then. Only 4 Years ago I had the chance to start over again with diving after we ended up in Koh Tao. From the first second in the Water the feeling was perfect and after that Holiday our way of Travelling changed as well. Since that day we only travel to dive!!! The diving went so well that we decided its time to deepen our knowledge. We did different specialties and became advanced Divers. During this 4 Years we’ve visited Scuba Junkie 3 times and last September we decided to do the DM Course because of the encouragement we got from other DM’s here and after a talk with Dave and Audrey we took a sabbatical from our work for 3.5 month to become DMT’s. After completing out DM course we will be better divers with a lot more knowledge about all the aspects of diving. Furthermore is being a DM a good back up if we might decide to leave Holland one day to start a new life and maybe become Instructors.
My love for diving started in April 2012. We used to travel around the world a lot, but I was always scared of what was in the water. But on one if our Trips to Burma I got really sick and we thought it would be better to go to Thailand where medical cure is way better. We decided to go to Koh Tao, so I could relax on the beach, maybe take a cooking course or just read a Book while Marcel could go diving. We ended up in a dive Resort and the fact that every time the Boats came back in, so many happy ppl got off, made me curious and that same evening I decided to sign up for the OWC. I had an amazing Instructor, who made me feel comfortable from the very first moment. And I knew after my first dive that I had discovered a completely new world, A new Love! I finished not only my OWC but my Advanced as in that same Week. Since then our travelling is all about diving and a whole new world is open for us again, full of secrets and beautiful creatures. Last Year we decided we wanted to do the DM Course, not only because it will make you a better diver, but also because it will broaden your view on diving and the aquatic world. I’m even thinking about a career change. Maybe after 25 Years in the Chemical Industry its time for something more adventurous and new. In the end , me getting sick made me so much stronger and completely changed my point of view, not only on my work but also on my life and future. Who would have thought that I, who was so scared of everything in the water, would do diving and 4 Years later be a certified Rescue Diver and on the way to become a DM ?! I had to think of that this past week… and it put a huge smile on my face!! ☺
I got my OW 6 Years ago and have loved it ever since. I’ve been travelling on and off for the past 3 Years and always making sure to include diving as part of my Trips. Last December I decided that I need a change and bought a Ticket out of Canada. After a couple of Month travelling, here I am in Borneo making diving and travelling as my Lifestyle. I’m so exited and looking forward for my Divemaster Course this month!!